How to Connect an Ethernet Cable to a Laptop With a USB Adapter Ethernet is fast, low latency, reliable, and awesome. Get a wired connection on a laptop without a dedicated port with a USB ethernet adapter.

Complete List of AppleScript Key Codes  Basically all of the key codes that can be used with AppleScript that I could find doing testing on a MacBook.

The Difference Between an Ethernet Splitter a Hub and a Switch  Ethernet Splitters make one ethernet cable act like two. Hubs repeat traffic. Network Switches forward traffic.

How to Enable exFAT Support on Linux  exFAT is awesome because it's pretty widely supported. Linux might not know what to do with it out of the box, depending on the distribution. Getting it working is pretty easy.

How to Work With DMG Files on Linux  How to get at the contents of a DMG file on a Linux machine without having to switch operating systems.

HTML And CSS Text Wrap Indent Tutorial  Indent wrapped lines in a paragraph in an HTML page with the CSS text-indent property.

HTML Page Title <title> Element  Employ the <title> element to give pages titles. This is usually displayed near the top of the browser window or as the default text when saving a bookmark.

Inkscape Default Document Properties and Canvas Size Tutorial  How to setup document defaults in Inkscape with default.svg. Doesn't apply to preferences set outside of the document properties dialog.

How to Copy Multiple Lines and Sections of Text with Vim  Copy multiple lines and sections of text at the same time in Vim. Basically multiple clipboards for copying and pasting. But in Vim we call them registers.

How to Write a Bash Shell Script and Run It  Learn how to write a bash shell script from scratch, chmod it to make it executable, and run it.

Complete List of HTML Tags  All of the HTML5 tags all in one place on one page that loads really fast and is super easy to use. Basically.

HTML Document Type <!DOCTYPE html> Declaration  Having a doctype at the beginning of every webpage helps prevent weird page display issues that might arise from a web browser rendering the HTML not according to standards, or with quirks, if you will.

HTML Comment Element  Comment stuff out and write comments, with <!-- and -->. In this case "and" would be a comment and wouldn't render with the rest of the document.

HTML Abbreviation <abbr> Element  Define abbreviations outside of the rest of the paragraph with <abbr>. Typically displayed as a tooltip. Also can be used simply for specifying that something is an abbreviation. <abbr> can be styled with CSS.

HTML Bold <b> Element  Assign special formatting to text without giving it special semantic meaning. Typically displayed as bold text, but not necessarily.

HTML Line Break <br> Element  Use the line break element to insert a new line basically wherever. I tend to avoid using these.

HTML Code <code> Element  Use the <code> element for displaying snippets of code within a page.

HTML Emphasis <em> Element  <em> is kind of similar to <i> because both typically make text italic, but <em> actually means emphasis.

HTML <header> Element  In HTML5, <header> is used to introduce a section. Content that might go near the top of the page, like a logo, menu, and main heading.

HTML <html> Element  The root element of an HTML document.

HTML Image <img> Element  Use the <img> tag to place a raster image like a PNG or JPG or a vector image like SVG in a webpage.

HTML Keyboard Input <kbd> Element  I like to use <kbd> tags for demonstrating keyboard input and double keyboard tags for single keypresses <kbd><kbd></kbd></kbd>.

HTML Paragraph <p> Element  for paragraph text.

HTML Sample Output <samp> Element  <samp> is an inline element that likes to hang out with <p> and <pre> and is great for demonstrating text produced by an app.

How to Write a DMG Image to a USB Thumb Drive with Linux  How to write a bootable installer that's DMG format to a USB drive without leaving Linux.

How to Automate Your Keyboard in Mac OS X with AppleScript  Learn how to quickly write small scripts that automate basic repetitive tasks with the keyboard on a Mac.

How to Setup a Simple Web Server in Minutes With Python  Setup a really simple HTTP server in minutes with Python's SimpleHTTPServer. I like to use this sometimes for testing small static websites.

Fix Missing Fonts in Inkscape on Mac  What to do if a font installed on the system can't be found in the list of fonts dropdown in Inkscape.

The Almost Complete List of Linux Text Editors  I say the almost complete because there are so many options for editing text on Linux.

How to Change the Keyboard Layout in Ubuntu  Learn how to change the keyboard layout in Ubuntu to Dvorak or another suitable configuration.

Inkscape Path Editing Tool Quick Reference  The next best thing to memorizing a bunch of boring stuff about Inkscape, use this quick and easy guide.

How to Draw a Flat Single Color Light Bulb Icon in Inkscape  Learn how to draw a clean, flat, single color lightbulb, one step at a time, in Inkscape.

How to Draw a Ruby in Inkscape  In this guide I cover step by step how to draw a kind of sort of 3Dish ruby.

List of HTML Entity Names and Numbers  HTML entity names and numbers aren't just useful for drawing characters that there aren't keyboard keys for. They can solve problems, like preventing the last word of a title from wrapping onto a new line by itself.

Mbmegabit MB Does Not Equal Mb  The abbreviations MB and Mb don't have the same meanings. MB refers to bytes while Mb refers to bits.

A Quick Start Guide for Beginners to the Vim Text Editor  The first couple hundred times I used Vim I didn't know what I was doing at all. In fact, for a good long while I didn't even know how to close the darn thing. Learn how to not be like me.

How to Recover Lost Disk Space on a USB Drive  A possible solution if a USB drive is reporting less total space than it used to.

Hypertext Transfer Protocol  In which I try to explain HTTP.